Its been a while...
Hey! to anyone who actually reads this site. I apologize for not being on here for about...over a month. Been busy with some stuff, school, the gtads project, work, you name it i've been busy with it but let me update you on what i've been doing in terms of the GBMP3 project finally :-).
Embedded Systems:
As you may have read I was eyeing a really nice piece of hardware that would be perfect inside of my old 1989 gameboy. This was available through the company embedded systems. I had requested a catalog from them to see what else there was, perhaps something even better. So 2 or 3 weeks go by before the catalog comes and it is huge! Perhaps 200 pages but pretty nice.
Raising funds:
Going to school and work at the same time isn't easy, especially money-wise when you want to buy cool stuff to play with, such as a gameboy that has had a brain transplant. So for the next couple of weeks I am going to be saving up roughly $300 for necessary parts to get the gameboy project going. I will keep you updated on my fiscal progress as well as any other cool things I see on the way.
I initially thought you were planning on using the original gameboy to play mp3. But I'd like to see how you do with this project. GL
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